Take a moment to think about your shoulder blades, we can’t see them as they are behind us, yet they are so busy helping us every day, in fact every time you move your arms the shoulder blades are involved as they are attached.
There are around 17 muscles attaching to the shoulder blade that affect the position. Some muscles are bullies and some muscles are a bit lazy, that’s why it is important to stimulate some and release others.
This is one area that I have personally had issues with.The referral pain can be some way from the source of the pain and treatment can make such a difference to how we live out daily lives.
If you have neck, shoulder, elbow pain or headaches just to name a few then I suggest you think about your shoulder blades. I find treatment with this can give such relief to so many areas of the body. Often several detailed treatments are needed as there are so many muscles involved pulling from different directions.